Certification Highlights
- Ensures a deep understanding of anatomy, physiology and Visceral Manipulation Therapy techniques.
- Helps preserve the right of qualified healthcare professionals to practice Visceral Manipulation.
- Demonstrates your commitment to excellence and enhances your networking and referral status –
establishes you as a dedicated professional with the highest standards of excellence. - Allows you to use the professional designation "CVTP" or "CVMP" in your title.
Techniques Certification Level (CVTP) - Tuition $500AUD
1) Successfully complete the following seminars
- Visceral Manipulation: Listening Techniques 1 (LT1)
- Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM1)
- Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM2)
- Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM3)
- Visceral Manipulation: The Thorax (VM4)
2) Successfully complete a Techniques level online objective exam for each class level.
3) Successfully complete five case studies, marked by a Certified BI examiner
4) Successfully complete a practical/oral exam with a Certified BI examiner that tests your ability to understand and apply VM techniques from class levels VM1-VM4 and LT1.
Practitioner Certification Level (CVMP) - Tuition $400AUD
1) Successfully complete the following seminars
- Visceral Manipulation: Manual Thermal Evaluation and Introduction to VisceroEmotional (VM5)
- Visceral Manipulation: VisceroEmotional Relationships (VM6)
2) Successfully complete an online objective exam for each class level.
3) Successfully complete a practical/oral exam with a Certified BI examiner that tests your ability to understand and apply VM techniques from class levels VM5-VM6.
NOTE: A person is eligible to repeat each seminar they have attended (VM1-6) for $200AUD each while actively signed up for the corresponding Practitioner Certification Program (upon space availability).