Educational Resources

Repeating Courses

For many, traditional education has taught us that repeating a course or class means we did not do well the first time, that we have failed. In regards to education, the term ‘repeat’ has a negative connotation for many.
In the Barral Institute tradition, however, repeating a course means that you are committed to becoming the best practitioner possible, by committing time and resources to practicing the techniques in a ‘lab’ setting. Perhaps repeating a course should be referred to as ‘mastering’ rather than ‘repeating’ because repeating courses is the first step towards mastering the work. Applying your newly learnt skills on clients in a clinic environment and using the resources listed on this page will serve you very well towards improving your skills. Repeating courses, in order to improve your skills or to become a Teacher’s Assistant, offers incredible benefits, both in terms of your confidence and expertise. Barral Institute Australia offers generous discounts for graduates who would like to ‘master’ course material and we love to see familiar faces.

Study Groups

Study Groups are a great way to review material you have been taught at a Barral Institute course. Study Groups include hands-on practice, techniques review and time for questions; study groups are more formal than Practice Groups and are facilitated by a Barral Institute approved study group leader. Please note that a Study Group is not a venue to learn new material but a forum to review and practice previously taught techniques.

There are approved Barral Institute Study Group leaders based in Australia and study groups are held in different locations around the country. Follow this link to the study group page on this website for more details.

Practice Groups

Practice groups can be a fantastic, informal way for alumni to practice techniques taught in courses. After every course, graduates are emailed a list of contact details of all the individuals that attended that course (with their approval). Practice groups can be formed by any graduate by contacting others that attended the same course.

VM Forum

Following the completion of any Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation class, every graduate is eligible to participate in this Barral Institute sanctioned online forum. This is a great way to stay connected with other practitioners, share your questions and thoughts relating to patients, techniques and case studies.

If you would like to join, please send an email to Dr Ron Mariotti – – remembering to include your name, when, where and which courses you have attended with the Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation series. You will then receive an email acknowledging you joining the group.

Medallion Program

The International Association of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP) has a directory for any graduate of an IAHP affiliated course, such as the Barral and Upledger Institute courses. When you attend a Barral Institute Australia course, you are automatically added to this directory, unless you request not to be. The directory allows potential clients and other practitioners to locate you quickly and easily from anywhere in the world.

In addition to this, there is a paid service called The Medallion Program, a premier online directory created and maintained by the IAHP, which offers students extra benefits such as their own webpage, monthly articles, product specials and online course materials from the courses you have attended. This includes the course manual and, of great value, video footage of the techniques taught in the course, recorded from recent classes.

There are two options available to graduates within the Medallion program, a one year membership valued at $140 USD or a four year membership valued at $450 USD. To take advantage of this offer, simply click on the program option you would like to take advantage of and carefully follow the steps listed below.

ONE & FOUR YEAR Medallion Program

  1. To order, click on the above link and then select either the One or Four year membership and choose the ADD TO CART button.
  2. On the following page choose the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT button.
  3. You will then need to log in either as a NEW CUSTOMER or if you already have an account, as an EXISTING CUSTOMER.
  4. Put in your payment details and then review your purchase.

Dissection Videos

Gil Hedley is a practitioner who is dedicated to exploring the ‘inner space of the body”. He has willingly and knowingly released his dissection labs on YouTube; these videos are informative, amazing and worth while watching. Please click on the link below to view the collection.

Gil Hedley dissection online DVD youtube

Educational videos

Shared Links

Barral Institute USA
+1 866 522 7725
General enquiries: Mysti Newton

International Alliance of Healthcare Practitioners

Upledger Institute Australia
Shane Hill