Manual Approach to the Brain 1 – MAB1


CPD/CPE: 18hrs

Full Fee - $1500inc GST. The Saver Price of $1300 is available till the 9th Feb 2024.

Course Description

The brain has always fascinated the medical community and scientists. The various investigative tools of the brain have made exceptional progress. For example, functional MRI can highlight not only structural but also functional problems. Even so, the brain has remained a mystery despite all the research for which it has been a subject.

Jean-Pierre Barral has been interested in the brain for over forty years. After treating many people with head trauma, stroke, brain diseases, and psychomotor disabilities, he has developed original techniques to help these patients. All the while remaining humble while working with this amazing cerebral mass that is capable of thinking.

The course is organized into two parts, a structural approach and a functional approach:

  • The structural approach is aimed at the vascular, nervous, meningeal, ocular, barometric, and cerebrospinal fluid circulation systems.
  • The functional approach explores the sense of smell, hearing, sight, language, coordination, proprioception, emotions, etc.
  • As usual with Barral’s seminars, there will be extensive time spent on precise hands-on treatment.

Prerequisite: - VM1 or NM1 & LT1

Recommended Reading

  • Manual Therapy Approach to the Brain; Volume 1. Written By Jean-Pierre Barral,DO, MRO(F), PT.
    Price $190inc GST. Email or call 0411 488198 to order.

Suggested Reading

  • Visceral Manipulation by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO and Pierre Mercier. Available for $110inc GST. Email or call 0411 488198 to order.
  • Trauma: An Osteopathic Approach by Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO. Available for $110inc GST. Email or 0411 488198 to order.
  • Visceral Vascular Manipulations by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO. Available for $130inc GST. Email or 0411 488198 to order.
  • Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD, and/or
  • A Regional Atlas of the Human Body by Carmine Clemente.
Manual Approach to the Brain 1 - MAB1 Course Dates
None at this time - please check again later.
Date Course (Click link below for Booking Form) Location

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Booking Instructions

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Date/Time 08/03/2024 - 10/03/2024
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location The Vibe Hotel Sydney, 111 Goulburn Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Booking Option 1:

If you have been provided with a user account for this website from Shane Hill, you will need to LOGIN to register for the course you have selected using the member booking form.

Booking Option 2:

If you have NOT been provided with a user account for this website from Shane Hill, please fill in the following form to register for the course you have selected.

Please enter your name below as you would like it to appear on your course certificate.
Booking Request Form

This event is fully booked.