
A.J (Adrianus Jacobs) de Koning, D.O, BI-D

AJdeKoningA.J. de Koning is an Osteopath and Physical Therapist from the Netherlands and currently resides in Italy. He has been a certified Visceral Manipulation and CranioSacral Therapy instructor since 1995 for The Barral Institute and The Upledger Institute. He currently teaches nineteen different levels of post-graduate continuing education courses in manual medicine throughout the world. In July, 2008 he earned the Barral Institute Diplomate Certification. This is the highest level of Certification given by Jean Pierre Barral, Alain Croibier and the Barral Institute.A.J. is an Owner and Instructor for ICOMM, the International College for Osteopathic Manual Medicine in Italy. A.J. maintains a busy practice in Rome where he uses Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, VisceroVascular Manipulation and New Manual Articular Approach evaluation and treatment techniques with all of his patients. A.J. is also spearheading an on-going research project on the role of Visceral Manipulation for cardiac patients.
A.J (Adrianus Jacobs) de Koning Course List
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