Manual Thermal Evaluation and Introduction to VisceroEmotional (VM5)

(Corresponds to former AVM)

CPD/CPE: 24hrs

Full Fee: $1200inc GST. Early Saver price of $990, applies until the 4th October 2018.

Course Description

This four day course, Manual Thermal Evaluation and an Introduction to VisceroEmotional, VM5 is divided into 2 parts, Manual Thermal Evaluation and Visceral Emotional Listening.

Manual Thermal Evaluation – This is an evaluation method developed by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F) that utilizes sensitivity to temperature changes to identify dysfunction within the body. It is useful across a wide spectrum of health disciplines and augments other forms of evaluation.

Barral developed this "topographical map" of the physical structures with the assistance of engineers and a physicist who helped him design an instrument that measures "heat" coming off the body, i.e. infrared heat that is the same temperature as dysfunctional tissues within the body, another evaluation tool for physical and emotional dysfunctions.

Visceral Emotional Listening - Jean-Pierre Barral says, "You cannot treat the emotions without treating the structure, because if there are restrictions in structure, the emotions will return." In VM5 participants will review each of the body cavities and revisit some of the techniques learned in VM1-VM4, as well as learn new evaluative tools for listening to the messages of the body.

Within the curriculum, participants will focus on the organs and their relationships to the neuromusculoskeletal structures. As Barral often states, participants may they are "waking up a little something in this process” and deepen their understanding of that often-times-illusive link between the body and mind. Barral’s techniques for working with the emotions of the body are as specific as his techniques for working with physical structures. Participants will not guess where emotions are stored; they will learn to feel them with our hands as they help the body "discharge" those areas of restrictions that are decompensating the system.

The techniques learned in VM5 are essential to the whole person evaluation and treatment. Each organ holds emotions; it is our "stop gap system" for the mind, and when discharged, the body/mind communication can be restored.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, participants will have learned:

  • The scientific understanding of body heat, and the clinical significance of changes in surface temperature;
  • The use of Manual Thermal Evaluation to find restrictions and organ dysfunction in the body;
  • This topography of the organs and their manual thermal palpation;
  • The synchronicity between the body and brain, and how that affects the health of a person.
  • How the brain uses the internal organs to discharge and express excess energy (often of emotional origin) and how that affects structural integrity;
  • How to work with energy loss, locating structural restrictions contributing to pain, and managing a therapeutic session.

Prerequisite: VM3 and VM4 or VMII and PIVM

Required Reading

  • Manual Thermal Evaluation by Jean-Pierre Barral, DO. Available for $90inc GST, email or call 0411 488198 to order.

Suggested Reading

  • Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter, MD, and/or
  • A Regional Atlas of the Human Body by Carmine Clemente.
Manual Thermal Evaluation and Introduction to VisceroEmotional (VM5) Course Dates
None at this time - please check again later.
Date Course (Click link below for Booking Form) Location
DrRonMariottiDr. Mariotti started his manual therapy career as a massage therapist focusing mainly on Visceral Manipulation. He began studying with Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), PT in 1992. In 2000, he began leading study groups in Visceral Manipulation in Seattle, Washington and teaching Visceral Manipulation to naturopathic medical students. In 2009 Dr. Mariotti became a Barral certified instructor of VM1, VM2, VM3, VM4, VM5, LT1 and NM1. In 2004, Dr. Mariotti graduated from Bastyr University with a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. In the US, naturopathic physicians are Licensed Primary Care Providers educated in diagnosis and evaluation of medical disorders using standard conventional diagnostic procedures and functional diagnostic tools focusing on the evaluation of the whole person. After completing an undergraduate degree and completing all pre-med requirements, a naturopathic physician must complete a four to six year post-graduate medical degree as well as undergo basic and clinical science national board licensing exams. Naturopathic physicians are trained in counseling, diet/nutrition, homeopathy, botanical medicine, physical medicine, minor surgery and the use of prescriptive drugs. Dr. Mariotti works out of his Seattle, Washington private practice offering his patients an integrative approach to managing their health utilizing Visceral Manipulation within a naturopathic medical model.Dr. Mariotti has written an article “Melatonin and the Gut” as well as publishing a book “The Naturopathic Approach to Visceral Manipulation, Volume I.” Volume II and III are expected to be published in the next couple years.
Dr. Ron Mariotti Course List
Date Course (Click link below for Booking Form) Location
Apr 18-20
Listening Techniques 2: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation - LT2 The Adina Apartment Hotel Sydney
Apr 22-24
Visceral Manipulation: Advanced Clinical Applications for Common Gastrointestinal & Urogenital Issues - VM-ACA-GU The Adina Apartment Hotel Sydney

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Booking Instructions

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Date/Time 08/11/2018 - 11/11/2018
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Location The Adina Apartment Hotel Sydney, 359 Crown St, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Booking Option 1:

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Booking Option 2:

If you have NOT been provided with a user account for this website from Shane Hill, please fill in the following form to register for the course you have selected.

Please enter your name below as you would like it to appear on your course certificate.
Booking Request Form

Bookings are closed for this event.