Jean Pierre Barral Formal

Jean-Pierre Barral DO, MRO (F), PT

JPBarral-V5.pdfJean-Pierre Barral is an Osteopath and Registered Physical Therapist who serves as Director (and Faculty) of the Department of Osteopathic Manipulation at the University of Paris School of Medicine in Paris, France. He earned his diploma in Osteopathic Medicine in 1974 from the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone, England, and went on to teach spinal biomechanics at the institution from 1975-1982.He developed the modality of Visceral Manipulation based on his innovative theory that each internal organ rotates on a physiological axis. In collaboration with Alain Croibier, D.O. Jean-Pierre Barral has also developed the modalities of Neural Manipulation and Global Joint Treatment based on their on-going clinical research.

Barral holds the title of Curriculum Developer for the Barral Institute. Barral took the modalities and developed them into various manual therapy courses, which he taught since 1985. Barral has trained and certified a team of International Teachers who also instruct these courses around the world.

Since 1999 he has maintained a private practice in Grenoble, France. Also since 1999 he has served as Chairman of Department of Visceral Manipulation on the Faculty of Medicine Osteopathy, Grenoble, France; the Chairman of Department of Visceral Manipulation on Faculty of Medicine Paris du Nord; and Academic Director of International College of Osteopathy, St. Etienne, France.

Jean-Pierre Barral Course List
DateCourse (Click link below for Booking Form)Location
Feb 22-24
Advanced Visceral Manipulation: Trauma - AVMTRoyal On The Park Hotel
Feb 26-28
Manual Approach to the Brain 2 - MAB2Royal On The Park Hotel