Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is defined as a structured approach to learning in order to ensure competence to practice, keep skills current and gain practical experience.
Most professional organisations require that their members earn a minimum amount of CPD/CPE points per year in order to maintain their standing within the organisation. It is best to contact your professional organisation directly in order to ascertain how many CPD points you will earn by attending our courses.
For a comprehensive list of the registration standards for Australian Health Practitioners, visit the AHPRA website.
Below is a list of our courses that are presently available for registration and the amount of contact hours at each of these courses.
Four-day Courses: 24 Contact hours towards CPD/CPE Points
Three-day Courses: 18 Contact hours towards CPD/CPE Points
Visceral Vascular Manipulation – Lower Body – VVML
Visceral Manipulation Advanced Thorax – VMAT
Visceral Vascular Manipulation – Upper Body – VVMU
New Manual Articular Approach – Upper Extremity – MAUE
New Manual Articular Approach – Lower Extremity – MALE
New Manual Articular Approach – Spine & Pelvis – MASP
Peripheral Nerve Manipulation: Lower Body – NM3
Neuromeningeal Manipulation: An Integrative Approach to Trauma – NM1